Haunted tunnel in Baalbek, Bekaa valley, Lebanon

"About 85 kilometers Northeast of Beirut is the city of Baalbek. Baalbek was an ancient Phonecian city that go back to 9000 years. It is home to the Baalbek temple complex which includes two of the largest and grandest Roman temple ruins that were ever built: The Temple of Bacchus and the Temple of Jupiter. These temples were built with huge blocks of stones some weighing 300 tons, others more then 900 tons each but the heaviest weigh 1673 tons. The sheer size of these stones make you believe that who ever cut them out from the rock was not really bothered at all by their weight or how to transport them. These enormous slabs needed to be be carried from a quarry several kilometers away to the building spot. A feat beyond even today's machineries. Nobody really know who or how these stones were cut and how they were moved and why these gigantique temples were built? Some believe they were built by giants and others by extra terrestrial beings. There used to be a huge platform before the arrival of the Romans that some believe was used as a landing spot by an alien race known as the Anunnaki from planet Nibiru, that supposadly exist in our solor system. And when the Romans arrived they build on top of this platform. This platform can be seen on some of the ancient Roman coins from Baalbek."

"In 2018 during a visit to Baalbek, I came across a tunnel that was very haunted. The multitude of ghost vibes in there were quiet interesting. So I tried right away to make spiritual contact with whoemever was there but got nothing. Instead I was shown vividly the statue of a male figure in white marble sitting on a marble throne similar a bit to picture #7 below and looking in my direction(but not at me). The marble statue was of a white male in his mid thirties with a stern and elongated face. I did not know who he was at first. But after alot of research later on and looking at ancient figures it turned out to be that of the Roman Emperor Augustus as a young man. The figure I was shown looks very similar to the one in pic #6 below. The throne he was sitting on looked like the one Roman Emperor Constantine the great is sitting on in pic#4 below. With a difference that it was more squarish on the sides. The meaning though to what I was shown still escapes me. What my spirit guides were trying to tell me by showing me this? That's what I've been trying to understand ever since I had this experience. Sometimes symbolic meanings comes right away and other times they take time"

Patrick Zakhm

Please note that all thumbnails below are clickable to larger pictures. The yellow arrow below points to where the tunnel is located. The last picture is of a room located at the end of this tunnel to the right. It too felt very haunted as well but no spiritual contact was made

(More pictures: Additional Photographs from Temple ruins of baalbek can be found here









